Online MAQS Network
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The network uses device level and peer-to-peer analysis. Data is transferred to the network where the complete data is stored along with contextual information of where and when the data was gathered. The basic analysis and correlations are performed on the data and it is formatted for easy access and comprehensibility on the device level. The peer-to-peer level allows users to examine their own data and make individualized inquiries. It also facilitates communication among users by enabling people to connect with other users experiencing similar air quality issues due to similar locations, or behaviors. The MAQS team is currently exploring different ways of displaying the data gathered by the system, follow this link to learn more about data visualization.

Screen Shot of the MAQS Network
User Information
On the MAQS network, users can view all of their air quality data and the corresponding contextual information. The data is presented in easily comprehensible formats and users can explore the correlations between the data and their own lives (places, activities, etc...). This is also a platform for users to establish a profile and communicate with others using MAQS. Our team hopes this network will encourage analysis, data sharing, communication, and exploration of potential solutions to air quality issues. For information to help understand data try: Indoor Air Quality or General Pollutant Information.
Screenshot of the MAQS Network
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An Explanation of the Technology, Getting Started with the MAQS System (User Info)
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