
Dine Environmental Institute Science Pathway Program Interns, Dine College, Summer 2011

Page history last edited by Michael Hannigan 13 years, 6 months ago

July 18 - 22, 2011 Workshop


Resources  Photos  Results 


The goal of this workshop is to engage Dine College students with a science interest in atmospheric science problem solving, both locally on the reservation and globally.  As such, the workshop covered climate change and renewable energy as well as air quality problems and novel measurement tools that could help interested people explore their own air quality.  To the right is a photo from thursday afternoon of the workshop, just after the Dine students, all from the Dine Environmental Institute Science Pathway Program, walked around the CU campus practicing their new ability to be air quality detectives.  These tools were developed under NSF support and are part of the MAQS (Mobile Air Quality Sensing System).  Notice Joachim wearing his new detective tool, an M-Pod.  After the workshop, five M-Pods are headed back to Shiprock, Tsaile, and Black Mesa and we are all very curious to learn what the new air quality detectives learn.



(From left to right standing: Beth Holland, Linda Garcia, Laverne Nakai, Janice Toya, Ernest Charley, Brandon Jesus, Joachim Horse, Jimmie Sam, Yifei Jiang, and Adrian Herder.  From left to right sitting: Vereena Serafin, Justine Johnson, Lorin Gorman, Elison Allen, Mike Hannigan, Felix Nez, Ricardo Piedrahita, and Jessica Keetso.)




Beth Holland

Sherri Heck

Raj Pandya


Dine College

Marnie Carroll

Linda Garcia

Felix Nez

Charlene Goodluck

Justine Johnson

Ernest Charley

Jimmie Sam

Elison Allen

Lorin Gorman

Brandon Jesus

Joachim Horse

Laverne Nakai

Janice Toya

Jessica Keetson

Adrian Herder



Mike Hannigan

Ricardo Piedrahita

Yifei Jiang

Xin Pan

Alex Yersak

Brian Hancz

Liza Boyle

Sharome Goode

Berkeley Hippel



Tony Jimenez



Bob Gough (Intertribal Council on Utility Policy)

Wahleah Johns (Black Mesa Water Coalition)

Ray Ramirez (Native American Rights Fund)

Henry Red Cloud

Jeff Tobe (Solar Energy International)




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